Female Founders Collective: How to Plan a 10th House City Session

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Female Founders Collective Insider

The what, the details, the how, the fun

Women are powerful beings. They’re relational, determined, self-aware, and see the big picture. If you’re reading this, you likely have some level of agreement or interest in the matter.

The Female Founders Collective was launched with a mission to support, develop, and elevate the founders of female owned and led businesses. City Sessions is our program created to gather founders in their hometown, knowing that community truly starts at your doorstep. Partytrick, female-founded (and FFC member) with a vision for fostering connection, was created to elevate social gatherings while easing the to-do lists that accompany them. Do we see a parallel here?

Partytrick has joined forces with FFC to equip and empower 10th House members to host their best City Sessions! Removing the stress of planning to bring back the joy and glow that comes with gathering people together. In this case, gathering fellow founders for an FFC City Session.

Tips for Planning a City Session

1. Decide if you’re hosting at home or a venue

2. Do you need vendor support?

Check out this blog of resources.

3. Get to planning!

Want to get these simple reminders and hosting expertise? 👇

**Please note: These are recommendations if you choose to go further with your hosting! Remember, that these can also be simple gatherings at restaurants or in a park for the low lift alternative.

Use code FFC2 for 2-months free membership to Partytrick!

Hosting at Home

Tips for Ordering Food 

*Please note that ordering food is optional, as FFC doesn’t provide any financial budget to cover costs.

Whether hosting at home or at a venue, check out our guide for how much food to order.

1. Select options that are simple to scoop and serve.

  • Think salads, pasta, pre-layered sandwiches or wraps. Remember to choose options that apply for various dietary restrictions.
  • Select food that is stable at room temperature for a while. 
  • ~Charcuterie board
  • ~Crudite: The charcuterie board of veggies
  • ~Salads
  • DIY/Build it yourself: Whether it’s a Mediterranean bowl, taco bar, or nourish bowl style, this is a great option to encourage people to fill their plates with what suits them best. 

2. Display the food aesthetically.

  • Re-plating a dish of delivery food makes all the difference. They’ll never know! We love these serving trays you can use again and again.
  • Using pretty serving utensils is a gamechanger.
  • Supply flatware for the eating experience. 

3. Buffet style is the way to go.

  • This ensures that guests can select the options they want to eat.
  • It simplifies things for attendees with eating restrictions. 
  • Include labels for each dish to minimize questions.

Tips for Beverages

  • Thanks to partners Clevr and Owls Brew, you will get donated drink products to serve.
  • Pre-batch drinks (when applicable): Doing this will save so much time when guests arrive.
  • Water: always make sure there is plenty of water available. We love offering an infused water option.
  • Try a chic dispenser or carafe for the display.
  • Fill a cooler with assorted canned sparkling beverages.
Pro Tip: Fill the dispenser bottom stand portion with fruit, flowers, or leaves and your display earns instant points.
Try Owl's Brew Boozy Tea: Sip in style and stay classy.

...And support female-founded brands!


Click below for downloadable menus.

happy hour menu I spring citrus menu

Hosting at Restaurants or Venue 

Tips for Ordering Food 

1. Select a few options

  • Arrange a pre-set menu: Think 1-2 salad options and 3-4 options for the main. This simplifies both the ordering selection and the serving process, so your guests can be served at the same time.
  • Pick out 2-3 appetizers to be served during the mingling portion.
  • Or, serve salad options family style to be passed around. 
  • For dessert, select 2-3 options. This can be easy enough to display at a table in the back to continue mingling.

2. Go buffet style

  • Buffet style is a win: Guests get to select based on preferences, and don’t need to ask about food allergens.

3. Label dishes being served

  • Clearly label which foods are being served—this will also reduce questions sent your way.

Tips on Beverages

  • Arrange wine, cocktails, and canned seltzers with the venue beforehand.
  • Set up a beverage station for guests to stop by and pick their drinks.
  • If sitting at tables during a speaking portion, provide water glasses and pitchers at each table.

Top tricks for cocktails

  • Choose a signature cocktail: Select one or two signature drinks to serve at the event. This will make it easier to prepare and serve beverages. Plus, the venue can add their flair rather than hustling to mix various options. 
  • Prepare in advance: Request that the staff preps the cocktails before the event. Store them in pitchers or dispensers so that they are ready to serve when your guests arrive. This will save time during the event.
  • Offer non-alcoholic options as well, they’re becoming increasingly popular! Our favorites here.

Hosting Hacks: General Tips

Whether you’re hosting at home or a venue, these tips will lighten your load. 


Your automatic trick to elevating the aesthetic.

  • Whether seated at tables or just talking around cocktail tables, keep the height of centerpieces lower than elbow to fingertip height when set on the table. Your guests will want to see each other’s eyes!
  • Think simple and small: Set up small floral or herb displays on wooden crates. At the end of the session, have your guests take one home as a favor.
  • Don’t forget to brand the favors with your company's branding ;) A ribbon or sticker with your company will (likely) be noticed more than a business card will.
how to set up a centerpiece


They make it easier to connect from the start with automatic talking points. 

  • Choose between lanyards, clip-ons, or stickers.
  • Define criteria: i.e. Name, City, Company

Prep ahead of time

  • Batch them online easily with a template and print ahead of time.
  • Try Google Docs or Microsoft Word templates, or your local office supply store. 


Write On-site

  • Supply name tags and pens, and have guests write their own
  • Provide spaces for fields you’d like specified:  i.e. Name, City, Company

Bonus: Napkins

Not a necessity, but our favorites if you're shopping. Whether you choose linen or throwaway, see our best recs for simplifying your accent pieces. 


To mitigate any thought of an uncomfortable silence. We think you’ll have plenty to chat about anyway.

Timeline Hacks

Imagine this: Your backpocket bff texting you friendly reminders when it’s time to send the invites, order food… all the way to taking drinks out of the fridge prior to guests arriving. Partytrick has you covered when you plan using our membership platform.

Use code FFC2 for your 2 months free!
how to plan an event

Suggested Event Flow

1. Start with a meet and greet
Begin the event with a casual meet and greet period, where attendees can grab a drink or bite, mingle, and network.

2. Have a (loosely) structured program
Plan out your schedule with specific time slots for keynote speakers, panel discussions, or other activities. Be sure to leave ample time for Q&A, and encourage attendees to continue networking during breaks.

Pro Tip: You don’t need to stay perfectly on schedule, but when you have a timeline planned beforehand, things will go so much smoother. 

3. Plan a networking activity
Incorporate a structured networking activity. This encourages attendees to connect and get more comfortable together.

  • Speed networking
  • Roundtable discussion
  • Would you rather: Start-up edition 

4. Allow time for open networking
Set aside time at the end of the event for open networking, where guests can continue to connect and exchange information with one another. This is your time to set out the final bites or sips and invite them to take home a centerpiece favor.

5. Say goodbye: “CTA” for the event
Is there another one coming up soon? Does your company have a launch coming up? Send them off excited and feeling supported that other strong women are out there doing amazing things.

This should cover planning your upcoming City Session… and we’re sure you may have a few of your own ideas to add in there, the creative founder that you are. 

Love these hosting hacks and looking for more ways to keep an expert party planner in your backpocket? FFC members get two complimentary months of Partytrick Host membership, on us ;) 

Use code FFC2

Love these hosting hacks and looking for more ways to keep an expert party planner in your backpocket? FFC members get two complimentary months of Partytrick Host membership, on us ;) 

Use code FFC2

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