Host a Mini Party: Vision Boarding

Torn image edge

What’s your vision for the year? And this party… 

How to throw a vision boarding party 

Ah, the turn of the year, and won’t we all be ever so reflective? Don’t worry, 20/20 vision is so four years ago. In 2024, this is how to do a vision board. You’ve maybe heard of vision boarding before, and we want to invite you to rethink it. In all of our day-to-day responsibilities, we really don’t take enough time to zoom out and look at our lives. Where we’re going. Where we want to be going. Who we want to go with. How are we getting there? These are the sorts of ideas we invite you to think about in creating your vision board. Invite your friends to join in with you, and get dreaming, cutting, and gluing together. Now, here’s some guidance from our pros to envision your vision boarding party.

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To Prep

These are the essential must-haves for your prep list. If you happen to have a supply worthy of an elementary school teacher’s inventory, you’re set. If not (no problem, we thought you might not), see the list of supplies below for your guests to bring. 

  • Cardboard foundation
  • ~Save some cardboard from a package to use as your canvas
  • ~Size: No set sizes here, but we recommend 8.5” x 11” — 22” x 28” 
  • ~Optional: Poster or foam board instead of cardboard
  • Magazines, newspapers, mailings etc. to go through
  • ~Think of your favorite brands that send you their catalogs. They most likely will have something in there to inspire you.
  • ~The more the better!
  • Glue stick, glue gun, and/or tape
  • Scissors
  • Markers
  • Optional: Glitter, scrapbook borders and supplies, stickers
  • ~Use fun wrapping paper to cover the board as a background

Ask Guests To Bring

  • Magazines
  • Scissors
  • Glue or tape

To Explain

What’s the point of a vision board? Oh, prepare to be inspired and leave dreaming big, ready for action.

Define: Vision Board [ˈviZHən bôrd] (noun): the ability to think about or plan the future with imagination or wisdom, as expressed on a thin, flat piece of stiff material
  • The concept of vision boarding is to help you clearly envision your goals and priorities each day throughout the year. It is thought that seeing them repeatedly—whether just in passing by or focused on—will cement in your subconscious.
  • Employs the use of the Law of Attraction

Basically, a vision board helps you carve out time to tangibly see what lights you up, and what areas of life you want to grow and develop in. When you see these items and ideas that you physically picked and cut out day after day... you'll see that something just starts to happen.

**Make sure to put it somewhere you regularly see it.

To Inspire

Ask these questions to your guests to get them thinking, dreaming, envisioning.

  • Where do you see this year going?
  • What are your goals for the year?
  • How are you working toward them?
  • When do you feel most authentically you?
  • What inspires you? 
  • What makes you feel whole?
  • What challenges are you working to overcome?

To Guide

Your parameters. AKA: The who, the how, and the fine print.

  • Great for a small group so people feel comfortable and supported
  • Consider inviting guests who you know will appreciate the concept, as well as be open to sharing with each other. This one is all about engagement. You never know who could leave you inspired!
  • ~For further inviting guidance: How To Make A Guest List
  • Set a time limit and leave some time in the end for sharing with each other
  • ~We recommend 30—60 minutes for the vision boarding activity
  • ~Some guests will work quicker than others, but we don’t want any daydreamers out there to feel rushed
  • ~This is where the background podcasts come in handy (but we’re sure your guests are also well-versed in chatting amongst themselves)
  • Make sure to have trash bins for scraps

To Do

So, how does one actually create a vision board? Guide your guests in our 8 Simple Steps:

  1. Use your cardboard (or poster or foam board) as your blank canvas.
  2. Wrap board like a very thin present with wrapping paper, if using. Secure with tape.
  3. Flip through magazines: Cut or tear out any images or words that catch your eye, or align with your answers to the "Inspire Questions".
  4. Arrange magazine selections on your vision board.
  5. Rearrange and add your personality where applicable.
  6. Glue or tape magazine selections to secure to board.
  7. Write in any necessary words to guide or clarify your vision.
  8. Place your vision board where you can see it everyday!

To Pair With

Our party planners have been deep in the workshops of parties, so apply these tips for your vision boarding party to the design, layout, and inspo of the following Partytrick parties:

To Eat & Drink

Dreaming big and expressing yourself requires adequate fuel (at least we tell ourselves this). These eats are easy to prep and fun to munch on.

  • Wine, Beer, Sparkling Water & Juices
  • Crudité Platter
  • Mixed Nuts
  • Pita & Hummus
  • Popcorn
  • Sandwich Wraps (e.g. Ham & Cheese, Veg.) cut into smaller slices. Can be adapted to be GF with appropriate tortillas.
  • Fruit Platter: Grapes, Strawberries, Raspberries, Blueberries, Pineapple

To Listen

We’re all about an inspirational talk show happening, whether in the foreground or background. Turn up these podcasts and may the aspirations be limitless.

  • Dear Gabby
  • Super Soul Conversations
  • The Expanded Podcast with Lacy Phillips
  • On Purpose with Jay Shetty
  • We Can Do Hard Things
  • Unlocking Us with Brené Brown
  • The Tony Robbins Podcast
  • Huberman Lab
  • The Mindset Mentor with Rob Dial
  • The Daily Stoic

Are we feeling invigorated, inspired, dreamy, and on top of the world or what? We get excited thinking ahead to the goodness that’s coming. Now’s your chance to join in with us.

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