How to Drink Mindfully & Uphold Your Lifestyle

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Top 3 Tips for Drinking Intentionally...& Having Fun

Partytrick x Beauty Booze

Whether you’re a casual drinker or the life of the party, mindful drinking will absolutely elevate your drinking experience. Regardless of if you’re hosting guests in your space for a gathering, attending a party, or joining the crew for a weekend out, how you drink will no doubt impact your overall experience.

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Partytrick, your back-pocket party planner comes alongside Beauty Booze, nutritionist and herbalists gone distilled cocktail creators, to guide you in how to host gatherings with ease, while drinking with intention. From swapping out sugary mixers for clean ingredients to choosing more premium options, creating a better experience is well within your reach. So, if you’re ready to drink smarter, grab a glass and let’s get started with these three ways to create a mindful and refined drinking experience!

1. Don’t abandon your lifestyle

Many of us make intentions to live a conscious lifestyle—when we love our bodies well, they love us right back. When we enjoy cocktails, for whatever reason, we tend to completely abandon that lifestyle. However, having a cocktail or two with friends doesn’t mean you can’t still bring thought and care into what you put into your body. Instead, choose smarter.

healthy living tips

Choose wisely

When picking up ingredients to make cocktails, consider how much processed sugar or preservatives are in those products. For example, instead of classic ginger beer loaded with sugar, consider natural ginger beer made with real ginger.

Let the pros do the work

Better yet, free yourself to do more of what you love while hosting by choosing ready-to-drink cocktails. With premium, organic ingredients that do the work for you, you can savor feel-good taste and host well. You and your guests will not only feel better, but you can all rest easier knowing you didn’t have to compromise on your health and mental wellbeing in the coming hours (or days…)

In honor of upholding the lifestyle you want to live, especially when hosting… How to be a Stress-Free Host by Partytrick.

2. Drink less, but better

Now, there’s casual drinking, and then there’s excessive drinking. We’ve all been there, and we all know it’s not very fun the next day.  Instead of speed drinking, try to focus on what’s actually fun, like catching up with your friends or dancing away to songs you’ve nearly forgotten. Sure, pour yourself a cocktail, but don’t focus on sipping it until it is gone. Put it down here and there, and enjoy the moment in real-time. There’s also no harm in replacing every other drink with a mocktail to ensure you don’t drink more than you can handle.  You’ll still get the experience of drinking a cocktail, just without all of the consequences. Your tomorrow morning self will thank you. Plus, we’re willing to bet you’ll be having too much fun with your pals to notice that you need a refill anyways.

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What’s your why?

Instead of speed drinking, focus on why you’re actually there: i.e. catching up with your friends or dancing away to songs that bring back all the memories

Sip with thought

Sure, pour yourself a cocktail, but don’t focus on sipping it until it is gone. Set it down here and there, and appreciate the moment in real-time.

Alternating rocks

Replacing every other drink with a mocktail ensures you don’t drink more than you can handle.

For easing the bouts of social anxiety that sometimes prerequisites the need for hastier sipping, check out How to Have Better Conversations by Partytrick. So you can drink and chat as you like, at the pace you feel best at. 

You’ll still get the experience of drinking a cocktail—simply without the consequences. Your tomorrow morning self will thank you. Plus, we’re willing to bet you’ll be having too much fun with your pals to notice that you need a refill anyways.

3. Be selective with your choices

There are so many options out there that offer everything from malt liquor to the finest, cleanest vodka. The selections you make will absolutely affect your drinking experience. 

alcohol that doesn't give you a hangover
  • Instead of a bland seltzer that doesn’t even mention the type of alcohol base they use, get picky and choose something that clearly states what type of alcohol you are drinking.
  • Personally, we believe that vodka-based cocktails will provide you with the cleanest experience. That’s why Beauty Booze uses 6X distilled vodka, which ensures that the highest level of impurities are removed from the alcohol.

The less impurities in your drink, the less your body has to process saving valuable resources for more important things… like processing those French fries you only ate because you were drinking. More on the science there another time ;)

Pro Tip: When you are the host and you’re hosting such a good time of a party that your guests don’t want to go home, even with such clean, measured drinking, here are our Top Tips for Ending an Evening Gracefully.

The truth is, elevating your drinking experience for a more mindful outcome doesn't have to be complicated. By making a few simple swaps and choices, you can enjoy your favorite drinks without compromising your lifestyle. So the next time you raise a glass, remember that it's possible to savor every sip while still being the best you that you want to be. Cheers to evolving and improving your drinking experience!

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Looking for a few pre-set parties to bring your people together? Partytrick has you covered, with fully curated parties ready for you to simply send out the invites for, from baby showers to holiday bashes your friends won’t soon forget. To name a few: 

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